Companies from Donetsk are not registered here! Register!

Below are the companies from neighboring towns.

Ltd. "Agromashholding" - structural unit of the Concern "Tractor Plants", specializing in supplying equipment to customers for agricultural purposes, produced at the enterprises of Concern.

Phone: +7 (8442) 74-1361

Address: Volgograd, pl. Dzerzhinsky, 1 (map)


Sale of tractors and self propelled cultivators for agricultural tillage. Plows, harrows

Machinery and equipment for sowing and planting of crops, manure and fertilizer spreaders

Phone: 7 (8442) 22-92-98

Address: Volgograd, Lenin Avenue, 59 (map)

Agro-Construction Technology

Tractors, combines, harvesters, seeders, cultivators. Official dealer of John Deere. Harvesting machinery, rotary combines, harvesters keyboards, reapers, discs, cultivators, plows, tractors, harrows, sowing machines, classic drills

Phone: +7 (861) 222-68-65, (861) 222-75-03

Address: Str. Krasnykh Partizan KNIISH them. Lukyanenko, Central Manor (map)


Our company offers to supply, from Krasnodar:

agricultural machinery from Serbia:

Mowers, harrows

Combines, tractors

Rotary rakes

Self-propelled motokosilka LSD;

Universal pneumatic drill.

Ploughing the production of RF

Phone: +7 (861) 267-54-81, 267-54-82

Address: Str. Stavropol, 18 (map)

Mowers Donetsk. All Donetsk mowers vendors are listed in business directory If you are a representative of a company that sells mowers in Donetsk or Donetsk region and you did not find here information about your company please register here and we will post your business information in our directory.

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